Christian Guitar Lessons


Guitar Notes For Beginners - Get Started With Guitar Notes Now

As you learn to read music, you will notice that there are many types of notes and marks. Plus you need to know how to read the sheet music. So we will go over that a little and touch on guitar notes for beginners.

The first thing you will notice is that there are five lines and four spaces. Each line has a name and each space has a name. The lines are E, G, B, D and F; remember them with the anagram "Every Good Boy Does Fine". The spaces are F, A C and E; notice the spell the word "FACE". Guitar notes for beginners is always taught this way.

Whole notes are an oval that is open in the center, sort of like a letter O. Each whole note gets 4 beats. Musicians tap their foot to keep time, so a whole note is held for four taps of the foot. To do this on the guitar, you would pick the note on the first beat and hold it until you reach the fourth beat, then silence it.

Half notes are like whole notes except they have a stem attached to them, kind of like a small letter "d". Each half note receives 2 beats or taps of the foot. To do this, you would pick the note on the first beat and let it sound until you reach the second beat and silence it.

Quarter notes look like half notes but are solid black. I have no way of depicting it here, but imagine the small letter "d" with the round part filled in completely. That is what a quarter note looks like. Each quarter note receives one beat or tap of the foot. You will pick each quarter note individually because of this. It is not necessary to silence a quarter note since you will pick the next one immediately.

Now we come to eighth notes. Eighth notes look like quarter notes, but there is a flag at the top of the stem. An eighth note receives half of one beat. To play eighth notes, you will pick them on the tap of the foot AND on the rise of the foot. In other words, you will play two eighth notes in the same time as a single quarter note. Got it? We count eighth notes as "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and". The numbers are the taps of the foot; the "and's" are the rise of the foot.

It is important to learn guitar notes for beginners in order to read a piece of sheet music, whether it is a lesson or a song you are learning. The length of time each note is sounded is called it's duration. All lesson plans should begin with guitar notes, for beginners especially.

All types of guitar notes will appear in written music. It is a vital skill to learn guitar notes for beginners at the very start of your guitar lesson plan. Reading music and knowing the guitar notes make it easy, but it is also fun and interesting.

To learn more [] about guitar notes for beginners, visit []. It's easy, fun and informative and you will be a better guitarist for it.

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